Professional document serving by New Zealand's leading process servers!

Our nationwide team of experienced process servers will serve your legal documents, court proceedings and dissolution of marriage (divorce) applications throughout New Zealand from Kaitaia to Bluff. 

Proserve Technology

Our team of experienced process servers across New Zealand use their approved mobile device in the field to confirm service details and send file notes (including photos). This information is uploaded to our secure online portal. Our portal also records the date, time and location of every service attempt.

Saving You Time

No more follow up calls or emails, our portal sends instant notifications of all service activities directly to your email. You can access our portal to load your notes and documents for service. Our portal also offers the ability to view the status of your document serving assignment at any time.

Evidence of Service

We use the very latest technology so service can never be disputed! Every service and attempt to serve your legal documents are recorded by our process servers. The GPS date and time stamp recorded in real time can easily be downloaded for evidence the recipient or defendant were served. 

What is a Process Server?

A process server (legal document server) is an individual hired to personally deliver, or “serve” legal documents to an individual named in court proceedings. This service of documents is known as the “service of process”.

It is a legal procedure required to give notice to all parties facing legal action.  Our nationwide team of process servers will serve your legal documents as per the rules of service in order for the service to be valid.

What is a Process Serving?

Process serving is the service of legal documents on a defendant. Defendants who are the subject of legal action must be personally notified, this notification is known as the service of process. Court proceedings are required to be served personally on a defendant by a process server (legal document server) within the time frame stipulated by the Courts.

If the documents you can't be served personally and the defendant is avoiding service, the courts can issue an order for substituted service which allows the documents to be served by attaching to the front door or adult at the defendants last known address or a family members address (sometimes a workplace address), 




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